Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bhekasana - Practice

Bheka = Medhaka = Manduka = frog

Let me fill you in on to a secret. While you are practising one Asana and are finding it tough for quite some time... you know...not much progress for a long time mode, try a different but complementary Asana. You will be amazed to realise that now you are finding the Asana that seemed tough earlier, quite easy.

I found this above Asana very helpful in doing the Baddha-Padmasana practice.

Well, do this from the Dhanurasana. I am still perfecting this pose. My idea of perfection here is: to touch my feet to the ground.

For an understanding of how a perfect pose might look like refer to Arjuna's page - the medico cum Yoga practitioner from Germany. To me he IS close to perfect.

Of course, by saying this I did a blasphemy *** grin*** - for Yoga is a journey, not a destination. Which implies that nothing that exists is perfect. We are all pilgrims in this fabulous journey, we are all students - Some are more advanced, some are less.

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