Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Vasishthasana - incorrect posture

The incorrect posture


The more correct (better) posture

The 2nd posture is better only as far as the hip is concerned. As it is, I see a lot of minor flaw here too. And who does not know that minor flaws take far greater time to correct? hehe!!

When I published the Vasishthasana day before yesterday, I was talking of the challenges of it. Main challenge that I faced was to counter the pull at the hip to the ground. It's not really a gravitational pull, but a because of a countering force when the hand pulls the raised leg.

If much force is applied by the hand to the raised leg to pull, it is countered and balanced by the hip sagging to the ground.

To prevent the hip sagging to the ground, the arm that holds the raised ought not use force. and to achieve that feat, one needs to make the hip joint so supple as the leg can execute an acute angle with the torso without much difficulty. Hence I published the Uttanpadasana - that's one way to make the leg execute an acute angle with the torso.

Hence, the basic idea is: make the acute angle acuter. My next target in uttanpadasana - touch the raised leg to the ground by my head. It will take me about two-three years. But I am going to be there, one day.

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Julia Dutta said...

At last I have got it Durga. I just love your posts and what you are communicating though this.Its so fantastic.

Durgasankar Mandal said...

Thank you for your kind words. I hope this will be able to be of some use fellow yoga students.

But yoga is not advanced moves. Easy moves are also as effective as the advanced ones. Let advanced moves not deter yoga beginners to begin. Yoga for beginners is as liberating and exhilarating.

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