Monday, December 17, 2007

Vasishthasana Practice

Yesterday I published the Vashisthasana. Now I am publishing the approach that I took to be able to do this asana.


Vasishthasana is to be approached in multiple ways. We need to use multiple weapons to conquer this asana. I demonstrated the use of different hasta padngushthasanas.

Let's now go back to the Uttapadasana to perfect the acute angle executed by the leg to the torso. I showed the Uttapadasana during the back pain series. At that point of time my uttanpadasana was normal to the ground.

In this uttanpadasana I executed the raised leg is at an obtuse angle with the ground, and at an acute angle with the torso. The idea is to make the acute angle acuter.

The right leg

The left leg

This practice of Uttanpadasana, you will find helps you to negate the effect of falling-hip syndrome in the Vasishthasana.

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