Sunday, December 16, 2007



Who was sage Vashistha?

Figures pretty much in Ramayana, the epic set in the Treta Yuga of Indian mythology.
He was the guy who denied sage Vishwamitra - when Vishwamitra was a king, and therefore a Kshatriya, warrior caste - the bramhin status. He was also the guy who took an adolescent Rama to kill Asuras/demons who were creating nuisance in the Ashrama (hermitage). And then to led Rama to salvage Ahalya, the wife of hermit Gautama, and thereafter, to Mithila to break the bow of Shiva so he could marry Sita, the daughter of Seeradwaja Janaka.

Vasishtha is one of the seven great sages after whom a constellation (the Great Bear / Ursa Major constellation) had been named in Indian Astronomy. His wife's name was Arundhati. There has beena story on Arundhati too.

As I perhaps mentioned somewhere or may be I did not, all asanas, however difficult they may appear in the first look, are postures for meditation. Vasishthasana is the posture in which Sage Vasishtha used to meditate.


I have miles and miles to go in this Asana before I am able to sleep. I have been practising this Asana for the last 7 months or thereabouts. Still there's lot to achieve.

The hip ought be raised. The difference between where I am and where I want to go, can be demonstrated by the picture of this Asana performed by Arjuna

I have identified the problem areas - how to counter the hip gravitating down. Do the Hasta Padagusthasana more with the leg in more more acute angle to the torso.

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