Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Greevasana - Part 1


Greeva = neck. This is the salamba version (hand supported)

Been doing Greevasana for the last three-four months. All the more so, since I had this hypothyroidism - which made me a fat guy :).

Of course this was additional to what other hypothyroidism fighting Asanas I have been doing for the last two years or thereabouts: Matsyasana, Ujjayee pranayama(Jalandharbandha), Ardha Chakrasana, Kavandhasana. Three other I used to do - Halasana, Sarvangasana, Sasangasana - which I won't do any more, as long as an iota of this back pain that I have stays.

Well, now this hypothyroidism thing is almost gone. And the doc is reducing the doses of synthetic thyroxin hormone every time I pay a visit to him.

The idea here is:
1) Rest your body weight on your neck muscles. This Asana helps in Matsyasana too. I am able to execute the Matsyasana far better than I was used to.

2) Second objective - bend your neck so much backward that your face is flat to the ground so much so that your nose and mouth touch the earth.

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