Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Matsyasana - the plain vanilla one

Matsyasana - the plain vanilla version

Over the last three posting I progressed from the Saral version of Matsyasana to this version of Matsyasana, which is the most standard version.

However, there is a more difficult version too, which I am not able to do as of now, may be in about two years in future I shall be able to do it. That is the Baddha Padma version - which is: perform a Baddha Padmasana , then perform Matsyasana.


Drishti: Nasagre, or Bhru-Madhye

Breathing: As you raise your body from the floor and go into Matsyasana, inhale. Breathe normally as you hold the posture.

Benefits: Matsyasana is one of the Asanas that benefits hypothyroidism cases to a good extent. To achieve the full benefit, however, a complementary Asana - that is one of the following Asanas: Sasangasana, Sarvangasana, or Kavandhasana/Kandharasana needs to be executed.

Of all the above Asanans I have posted only the Kandharasana, which is also known as Kavandhasana, in this blog.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.