Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hasta Padangusthasana

Approaching Vashishthasana - part 2

Hasta Padangusthasana

Well, the challenge in this asana is to keep your balance on your side. I tend feel a tendency that I need to either be on the back or on my stomach. It's indeed an effort to remain on your sides while performing this Asana


Parshva Konasna

Three challenges here:
1) Keeping your balance - for me, its less of challenge
2) keeping your arms in a straight line - You see I am still not there
3) keeping your chin in line with your shoulder. I am still not there. It needs a lots of practice for me - I do such practice through the Salabhasana and the Markatasana. How I practice it through Salabhasana I would publish may be tomorrow.

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