Saturday, October 13, 2007

Utthita Hasta Padangushthasana

Approaching Vashishthasana

Utthita = raised
Hasta = hands
Padangustha = big toe

This Asana is often called, Utthita Padangushthasana.

Being an Engineer, and a project management professional I approach Yoga Asanas like they do in scientific studies. That is to say, it involves the following steps:
1) study and whole subject,
2) analyse it,
3) and break it down to workable small tasks

According to my analysis Vashitasana is possible only when if you achieved the components which it integrates. The components are:
a) Uttan Padasana
b) Utthita Hasta Padangushthaasana/ or simply Utthita Padangushthasana
c) Ananta Sayanasana
d) Supta Padangushthasana
e) Hasta Padangusthasna
f) Parsva konanasana or Santolanansana

I found that the Utthita Padangusthasana is the most difficult component to deal with

Utthita Padangusthasana

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where I am lacking: Actually I am lacking in the first component itself - Uttanpadasana. I am still not able to achieve 45 degree acute angle of the leg to the torso. Now it is about 75 degrees or thereabouts.

During Utthita Hasta Padangushtasana, the leg should be ramrod straight (which it isn't here), the body should be full normal to the ground (geometry = normal is 90 degrees to the ground) which again it isn't, and the raised leg should be at 45 degree angle to the body (which again it isn't here).

Let me focus there for the next couple of months.By which time I seek to accomplish this goal.

PS: To see how the Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana is done well, just view Arjuna do it

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