Supta(adj.) = Sleeping
Vajra (n.) = Thunder / thunderbolt
Asana (n.) = posture
I start my yoga routine with the Supta Vajrasana pose. Perhaps unconventional, but I start from here anyway. It stretches my back, my waist, and it gives my at once a feeling relaxation and stretching at the same time.
Self critique: Supta Vajrasana took me quite a while to do somewhat decently. Even now, after nearly two years that I am practising it, I still get the feeling that some part around the lower spine and pelvic girdle is still not fully relaxed. That will be the time when I will have considered of having got hold of this asana.
Secondly, as can be clearly seen in the second photo, that I am not still there - since both the legs should be together. And they should not be separate as shown in the above photograph. I still am not able to achieve that - both thighs together that is. May be one year down the line I would be able to do so. That's the goal.
Meanwhile, let me go on practising my Supta Bhadrasana . Supta Bhadrasana comes to the women rather naturally - which calls for pelvic flexibility. Women give birth, and pelvic flexibility is something that nature gifts to them. Supta Bhadrasana will hopefully, help me achieve that both-thigh-together in Supta Vajrasana
I included this Asana in practice label - since in Bhekasana practice, this is the starting point.
Of course for Supta Vajrasana, Vajrasana is the starting point.
Hi Durgasankar,
Glad to know that you are a devoted practitioner of yoga. I have seen your photo of supta vajrasana. I too am a devoted yogi.
Please do bujangasana (3 times for 30 sec each) and ardh-matsyendrasana (2 times for 1 min each) before supta vajrasana. Then you wil be able to place the knees together. Another trick is to cross the two hands and hold the alternate biceps in the same position. This will also allow closer placing of the knees.
Hi Shiva,
That's a very good tip. I will try that surely.
This Asana was posted about a year ago. I now am able to place the two knees together, anyway. Looks like my approach too yielded good results. :).
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