Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Padma-Baddha Sirshasana

Sirshasana variation 1 - Padma-Baddha Sirshasana

Padma(n.) = Lotus
Baddha (adj.) = Bound
Seersha (n.) = Head, top
Asana (n.) = posture

Some call it as Padma Sirshasana as well.


How beginners may start practising Sirshasana:

Technique 1:

Try it against a wall - it will work if you are slightly confident of balancing yourself. Get a partner who will hoist your legs and set them up against a wall. The wall will protect you against the chance of falling on your back.

However this technique fails if you are unsure of a side-wise fall

Technique 2:

Choose a corner of a room where two walls meet, and try the above.
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