Ushtrasana (The camel pose)
Anurag posted to say that he too wanted to get rid of the back ache. I suppose there could be many who want to do that.
I thought let me come out with a series of yoga postures that helped me immensely, and that they could perhaps be helpful to all others too.
But first, let me publish the necessary warnings. I am no Yoga instructor, only a student - though some may say that I am an intermediate level student, learning some advanced postures these days. So, the value of a Yoga instructor, who specializes in therapeutic yoga is never discounted. Below is published the checklist for back-cure.
Step1: Talk to your orthopaedist. Have her review your spinal condition. If it's not slip disk, or some other grave spinal condition then proceed to step2. If you have them, talk to a yoga acharya who specialises in Yoga therapy to cure disease.
Step2: Remember never ever to do any forward bending Asana during Yoga as long as you have back-ache.
Step 3: Depending on the gravity of the pain (the more intense the pain the less you proceed beyond the first few) you do the following Asanas:
1) Kati-Uttanasana - the waist tilting
2) Markatasana / Udarakarshanasana (there are three varieties - if pain is grave, do not do the 2nd and the 3rd variety)
3) Utthita padasana (one leg and both legs both are good) - Leg Raise
4) Ardha halasana - Another form of leg Raise
5) Supta Padangushthasana
6) Nasa Sparshasana
7) Pavan Muktasana (one legged and two legged)
8) Tolangulasana
Next week (I get a chance to photograph myself only during the weekends), I would publish the photographs of the above asanas.
There are backbending Asanas too which help get rid of the back pain - but they all come with necessary warnings or contraindications.
I would talk about them much later in this series.
The camel pose above is one such asana