Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Vinyasa entry to Karandavasana

Vinyasa entry to Karandavasana

Karandava (n.) = Duck
Asana (n.) = Posture

After nearly a year long practice, Vrischikasana is now kind of comfortable for me. Much much better than what I published about a year ago in this blog. The next step therefore I thought, would be Karandavasana. And the Pincha version of Vrischikasana, both of which I understand are now a couple of years away.

Let me publish my approach to the entry to Karadhavasana.

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Any person with a keen eye would be able to figure out that I am just a beginner in this entry. My arms are still not strong enough to hold the balance when the legs have executed a Padmasana.

Now, this I find is one of the most talked about Asana on the Net. I liked Lucas' informal and funny way of talking about Yoga, which hid the spiritual and profound intent of his in the yoga way - the rigour he employs is pretty much obvious in the Asanas he is shown to have executed. Here's his web page House of Lucas.

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