Monday, March 3, 2008


Utthanapadasana / Utthitapadasana

Utthana (n.) = Raising up (not in the sense of bringing up, however - which is nurturing), Rise up
Utthita (adj.) = Raised, Risen
Pada (n.) = Leg
Asana (n.) = Posture

Sometime ago I published the Utthitapadasana, and Utthanapadasana which are what I learnt as a child. The word Utthita has the noun form as Utthana.


Now, I see Utthanapadasana being performed as it is performed in the above picture. Kind of interesting I would say, for it takes in the benefits from Utthitapadasana and Matsyasana both at one go.

For the grammar enthusiasts: Ut = This sound is not a word, it is called Upasarga in Sanskrita grammar - which is close to a preposition. Upasarga adds additional meaning to a word root.

Ut means up.
Thana this word root means place.

All Upasargas preceds a word root to form a word. Here Ut + thana together formed this word Utthana

If you add a different Upasarga, for example aba to Thana it will form Abasthana (n.) = Placement. Similarly Pra + thana = Prasthana (n.) which means to go away.
Again, Abhi+ Ut+thana = Abbhutthana (n.) Germination
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